Bonds of Faith and Creature Enchantments – One Card a Day

Creature enchantments: possibly the hardest broad category of cards to represent in cube. No, that’s combat tricks. The second hardest category of cards to represent in cube, then. Their inherent card disadvantage is a problem that WotC’s Design and R&D has contended with since the first years of magic.

“Why Players Hate Creature Enchantments

They suck.
Okay, I guess I could elaborate a bit more on this. Creature enchantments are, strategically speaking, a bad deal. The reason? Something called card advantage.”
MaRo’s article from 2002

Licids? Bounceable auras? Rancor? Equipment? Totem Armor? Bestow? Mutate? All either had to dodge or were ways to avoid the “removal problem” with auras.

But auras that go on your opponent’s creatures are fine. They were always fine. Pacifism, Control Magic, and Weakness variants have always been perfectly playable cards – it’s not like the opponent will destroy their own creature in response.

Bonds of Faith is a bit of both. It can be a buff in the humans deck, which ideally triggers heroic for Fabled Hero and Dawnbringer Charioteers, but might just allow any Accorder Paladin to push through blockers. In the same deck, it doubles as a Pacifism. In other decks, it may be just an Pacifism with an asterisk.

When it feels bad

The biggest issue with Bonds of Faith is how sometimes the creature you have to get rid of is a human. It’s easy to shortcut the card into “just a Pacifism in my deck,” then cast it on opponent’s Kari Zev, Skyship Raider. It’s particularly bad against the humans deck.

Why, despite that, I run Bonds of Faith

Archetypes need signposts that say “this is a supported deck, you can draft it.” The problem of signposts is that they tend to also say “P.S.: Do not pick me up unless you are drafting this archetype.”

Bonds of Faith is more flexible. It says “Pacifism most of the time. Oh, by the way, Humans is an archetype, go ahead and try it. And here’s something to actually make use of heroic.”

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